Publishing company

Corsair SA
A public limited company with capital of 22 657 528 Euros, RCS Créteil 328 621 586, SIRET (identification n°): 328 621 586 00176, APE (business code): 621 Z

Registered office: Aéroport Pôle Caraïbes - Zone de Fret - 97 139 LES ABYMES 

Publication Director: Pascal de Izaguirre

Website hoster

Siège social
402 336 085 R.C.S. Nanterre
Immeuble Le Clemenceau II
215 Avenue Georges Clemenceau
92000 Nanterre

Microsoft Azure
Siège social :
39, quai du Président Roosevelt
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Validity of the offers

CORSAIR’s offers all have a validity deadline which you must check. CORSAIR points out that certain search engines sometimes continue to reference old pages of the site containing offers whose deadline has expired. Please disregard them.

No right of retraction and warning

  • In accordance with the provisions of Article L 121-20-4 of the Consumer Code, you do not possess a right of retraction when you purchase flight tickets on our website.
  • You state that you have been informed of CORSAIR’s right to suspend and/or temporarily or definitely modify its on-line services at any time because of technical or regulatory constraints without it incurring liability for this.


CORSAIR cannot be held liable for the accuracy of the information given by its partners.

Protecting privacy and personal data

When you make a reservation on our site, we collect personal information on you in compliance with the amended Act of 6 July 1978 on Data Protection.

In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you by sending a letter to the company's Customer Relations Department at 1 Rue Charles Tellier, 60000 BEAUVAIS.

Data collected by the company:

When you make a reservation on our site, we ask you to complete the online forms, stating: your surname and first name, your date of birth, your postal address, your e-mail address, your telephone number, your nationality and passport number, your credit card number, and if necessary, your reservation preferences (methods of cancelling or modifying tickets, class, type of meal, seat, etc.) or concerning your journeys and interests (preferred destinations, reservation history, etc.).

Processing the data collected:

The data which is transmitted when you make your reservation is processed and used by the company in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

  • The company reserves itself the right to use the data collected for the promotional, commercial, or information purposes in different mediums.
  • They can also be used for internal surveys to improve the services offered, and to satisfy customer expectations.
  • The company is obliged to transmit data on the flight, or passengers travelling from or to the United States to the American authorities because of tighter security measures.
  • The data concerning you can also be used when processing data connected with specific events which occur during a flight such as : in-flight medical incidents (CRASDAB), passenger disboarding reports, in-flight incident reports (« Air Safety Report » – ASR), cabin incident reports, (« Cabin Safety Report » – CSR ).
  • The company may also be legally obliged to disclose data during legal proceedings or judicial requisition by the competent authorities.

You can access partner sites which are not governed by these provisions by hypertext links on the site. You are asked to read the rules on the use and disclosure of data you might transmit to these sites.


Gender equality at work

Equality between male and female employees has been declared a great cause of the President of the Republic’s mandature. Gender equality also at the heart of Corsair’s concerns.
An index has been created to measure gender equality at work. The result obtained by Corsair has shown that the Company achieves the objectives set by the government in this area.
Indeed, in 2024, Corsair obtains the overall score of 89 out of 100 points; the objective being to obtain a score of at least 75 points.
Corsair will continue to promote professional equality between women and men.

Intellectual Property

All the data, text, information, images, photographs or any other content published on the site are protected under intellectual property law. Therefore, any reproduction, representation utilization or adaptation in any form whatsoever of all or part of the elements on the site without CORSAIR’s prior written agreement is an act of infringement sanctioned by the Intellectual Property Code. All the brands (commercial brands and logos) and any other distinctive sign which is displayed on the CORSAIR website are owned by CORSAIR and/or its partners. Consequently, any reproduction, representation utilization or adaptation of all or part of these distinctive signs in any form whatsoever is prohibited apart from with the prior written agreement of their holder.

You notably agree:

  • that these General Sale and Transport Conditions have a contractual and binding nature,
  • not to use the “CORSAIR” name or the “CORSAIR” trademark or the advertising material shown on the site for any purpose whatsoever without CORSAIR’s prior written agreement,
  • not to reproduce, all or some of the information on our website for commercial reasons (flights, prices, etc), including on other online sites or services, using any method whatsoever (e.g.: using robots, spiders, or hypertext links).

Contact us

Our agents are available 7 days a week from France, the French West Indies and Africa. 

From France and the French West Indies

Please dial 3917 to contact our Customer Service


From the Indian Ocean and Africa

Please dial +33 1 70 39 22 10 to contact our Customer Service

To consult our customer service opening hours by geographical area, click here : 

Opening hours

contact us